There was no game.
Trust me.
Meme aside, this was pretty fun and funny, so nice job.
Hey! To start this decade right, we believe Newgrounds should be ad-free for EVERYONE. For this to work, we need people who have the means to become paying supporters. For just $3 per month or $25 for the year, you can help this happen and get some nice perks!
For the month of March we have disabled ads on all E-M content. We need 96 people to reach our goal of 3,000 active supporters. If we hit that, we'll continue with a new goal in April!
Please check out our Supporter Upgrade and consider coming aboard!
! Doesn't work properly on Internet Explorer, Edge and Safari !
! If you have a black screen, try to switch off Adblock or to accept the plugin permission from your browser !
WINNER of the DeceptionJam.
There is no game. There is nothing to do.
Do not click or tap anywhere. Really. DO NOT CLICK OR TAP ANYWHERE.
Do not laugh as there is nothing to laugh about.
Don't try to use your computer mouse.
Don't try to touch your mobile screen.
It's at your own risk!!
This game has not been reviewed on Youtube by the not game narrator himself!
*Sorry for my weird foreign accent* :)
*I'm french, not russian!*
Not made by KaMiZoTo.
*06/29/15 : some bugs fixed / better object drag&drop system / Screen cleaned after breakOut victory**
*06/30/15 : added jokes and hints for the ladder part / fix for the trophy that seems to not appear sometimes *
*07/02/15 : added french subtitles and a language selection menu*
Also, please go to the Net Neutrality website and fight for a free web!
There was no game.
Trust me.
Meme aside, this was pretty fun and funny, so nice job.
me encanta es un juego bien hecho y muy entretenido
I BET THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
**beatbox tetris starts play**
i like how the more the narrator talks, the more he progresses the game, which is just pure irony. this game will definetly bring you a good chuckle.